Wednesday, October 14, 2009 Newsletter ~ 09.2009
This town is still construction nuts! Do yourself a favor and stay off Point Brown Avenue until at least November now. For the most part, downtown is still ripped up as the city is having all the roads repaved and the roundabout construction is also underway. It's still really crazy. Other than that things are still pretty hoping at the beach even though the tourist season is over. The weekends lately have been particular busy with folks visiting and looking at getaway/retirement. This coming weekend should be very busy as the Razor Clam season gets underway. If you've never dug or ate a razor clam, you're missing out. Trust me. It took me a few years to give it a shot and now I just can't get enough... But don't tell any game wardens that I said that....
Ocean Shores Real Estate Update
It's been really busy. Buyers are buying! August showed three straight months of improving home sales at the beach. September has flattening out as residential sales remained the same as August. What we are seeing is that people with money, who held back when the economy was on the brink, are starting to buy. Smart money is buying real estate again at what many see at the bottom and capitalizing on the best mortgage rates in decades.
September Home Sales
Sales continue to climb out of the gutter at the beach for the third straight month in a row. 16 houses sold in September. Average sales price nudged up to $166,100 (up from $150,688 in August). 21 homes went pending during September. There are currently 39 homes pending in Ocean Shores right now.
There's only 215 homes on the market right now versus 253 in July. Home inventory is still shrinking and sales are still happening. Average price is $231,012.
September Vacant Lot Sales11 Lot sold in September (down from 13 in August for an average selling price of $32,527. The cheapest one was $8,500 and the most expensive was $80,000. Average time on the market was only 209 days. There are currently 12 lots that are pending around town... There's 551 lots on the market right now.
September Condo SalesThree condos closed during September at the beach. Average price was $88,833. The big news in condo sales is that there are currently 6 of them pending (including two at the Dreamscape Condos). That's a huge jump! There are 107 condos on the market in Ocean Shores right now.
Image from:http://oceanshoresrealestate....
Dreamscape Condos are now very serious about selling off their remaining inventory. Only twelve units are left and are now being offered as Short Sales ~ meaning that the owners are now offering them for less than what is owed to the bank. This is a great opportunity that will not last. "Here's More Info." is a real estate blog about new homes and new construction out at the beach. Take a look!
If you have any questions regarding Ocean Shores/North Coast Real Estate, call Jeff Daniel of Coldwell Banker Ocean Beach Properties at 360.581.9020 or visit my website at Thanks! All real estate numbers and stats apply to the Ocean Shores real estate market. All statistics are supplied from the Northwest Multiple Listing Service.
Upcoming Events
Paddle the Shores
Cat Fancier's Association Cat Show
October 24-25, 2009A Cat Fanciers Association All Breed Cat Show . See an incredible variety of cats from the ordinary to the very unusual! Saturday - 10AM to 5PM & Sunday - 9AM to 4PM. Don't bring your dog.
Jazz at the Beach - Jazz Festival
November 6-8, 2009Jazz bands from around the United States and Canada join together to offer over 65 hours of live jazz at several venues throughout Ocean Shores.
Winter Fanta-Sea
November 27-29, 2009
Over 70 arts and crafts booths feature thousands of unique handmade items just in time for the holidays! Bring the kids, Santa will be there to listen to all of your Christmas wishes.
click the logo and be a fan of Ocean Shores Real Estate
Razor Clam Season Tentatively set to Open at 5 Beaches in Mid-October (this weekend!)Image from: image on Bing The first razor-clam dig of the fall season will get under way Oct. 16 if marine toxin tests show the clams are safe to eat, the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) announced today. Additional digging opportunities are scheduled through Jan. 3. Evening digs are tentatively planned at Twin Harbors (Oct. 16-19); Long Beach and Copalis (Oct. 16, 17 and 18); and Mocrocks and Kalaloch Beach (Oct. 17 and18). Digging at all beaches will be restricted to the hours between noon and midnight. “The results of our 2009 summer stock assessment show that Long Beach, Twin Harbors and Kalaloch Beach have had an increase in their total allowable catch, while Copalis and Mocrocks are about the same,” said Dan Ayres, WDFW coastal shellfish manager. “This is great news for Kalaloch, which will have harvest opportunities for the first time since spring 2007.” Image from: image on Bing The best time to start digging is an hour or two before low tide, said Ayres, who also recommends that diggers check weather and surf conditions before heading out. Harvesters are allowed to take no more than 15 razor clams and must keep the first 15 they dig, regardless of size or condition. Each digger’s clams must be kept in a separate container. Image from: image on Bing A license is required for anyone age 15 or older. Any 2009 annual shellfish/seaweed license or combination fishing license is still valid. Another option is a razor-clam only license available in annual or three-day only versions. Descriptions of the various licensing options are available on the WDFW website at Tentative opening dates and evening low tides in October are:
Friday, Oct. 16 ( 5:50 p.m. -0.5 ft.) Long Beach, Twin Harbors, Copalis
Saturday, Oct. 17 (6:38 p.m. -0.8 ft.) Long Beach, Twin Harbors, Copalis, Mocrocks, Kalaloch
Sunday, Oct. 18 (7:23 p.m. -1.1ft.) Long Beach, Twin Harbors, Copalis, Mocrocks, Kalaloch
In addition, WDFW has tentatively scheduled the following digs:
Saturday, Nov. 14 (4:34 p.m. -0.3 ft.) Long Beach, Twin Harbors, Copalis, Mocrocks
Sunday, Nov. 15 (5:21 p.m. -0.7 ft.) Long Beach, Twin Harbors, Copalis, Mocrocks
Monday, Nov. 16 (6:05 p.m. -0.9 ft.) Long Beach, Twin Harbors, Copalis, Mocrocks, Kalaloch
The Pacific razor clam (Siliqua patula) is an exceptionally meaty shellfish which ranges from California to Alaska. It is abundant on surf-pounded ocean beaches, but also occurs in sheltered areas along the coast. Limited diving observations have indicated some adult razor clams (S.patula) offshore for up to one-half mile. Razor clams dredged in water deeper than 30 feet, although similar to the beach clam, are a different species (Siliqua sloati).
In Washington waters, the razor clam grows to a maximum length of six inches, although they are seldom found. Clams seven inches long have been recorded, but are very rare. The life expectancy for Washington clams is five years. Again, there are exceptions, but razor clams suffer from a high degree of mortality due to predation by Dungeness crabs, shore birds, numerous species of fish and of course thousands of clam diggers. A disease was also discovered in the early 1980's that caused mass mortalities of large numbers of clams. It is unknown how long this disease has affected clam populations. In contrast, razor clams found in Alaska may grow to eleven inches in length and live to be 15 years old, due to colder water temperatures and slower growth rates.
Razor clams are found primarily on the intertidal coastal beaches (those that are exposed at low tide) from a +3 foot level to a -2 foot tide level. The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) divides the harvest areas into five major management zones (see map): Beaches scheduled to open are:
Long Beach, which extends from the Columbia River to Leadbetter Point.
Twin Harbors Beach, which extends from the mouth of Willapa Bay north to the south jetty at the mouth of Grays Harbor.
Copalis Beach, which extends from the Grays Harbor north jetty to the Copalis River, and includes the Copalis, Ocean Shores, Oyhut, Ocean City and Copalis areas.
Mocrocks Beach, which extends from the Copalis River to the southern boundary of the Quinault Reservation near the Moclips River, including Iron Springs, Roosevelt Beach, Pacific Beach and Moclips.
Kalaloch Beach, which extends from the South Beach Campground to Brown’s Point (just south of Beach Trail 3) in the Olympic National Park.
Beach News
This is where I've been getting mine lately:
Jeff Daniel Associate Broker
Coldwell Banker Ocean Beach Properties
Cell Phone: 360.581.9020749 Point Brown Ave NW
PMB 1568, Ocean Shores, WA 98569
360.289.3111 (fax)
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Luxury Ocean Front Condos have never been so Affordable!
Luxury Ocean Front Condos have never been so Affordable!
Greetings from the beach! This email is to make sure that you’re aware of the current opportunity with the Dreamscape Condos located at the Southern tip of Ocean Shores. Fourteen units are now being offered as Short Sales ~ meaning that the owners are now offering them for less than what is owed to the bank. This is a great opportunity that will not last.
Guaranteed Bottom Prices!
These new LOW prices do not include furnishings or other past incentives and are subject to deed release by the bank. We are guaranteed a 5 day response to each buyer if the offer is at least full list price. Buyers can still make offers at less than list price. These will be reviewed by the bank and a response is guaranteed within 10 days.
This is it! There has never been a better Time to Buy!
These are rock bottom crazy prices! Getaway and relax while watching ships, whales and fishing boats from the comfort of your own private retreat just seconds from miles and miles of pristine beaches. The views are truly amazing.
Changes & Updates
> New Konecto flooring in certain units. This new flooring lessens noise heard from surrounding units and has been a huge welcome!
> A brand new Storefront has been added to the entire condo. This new enclosure keeps the wind and rain out of the walkways and tower areas and has been welcomed by all current owners and visitors. It has also enhanced the overall value of the building and individual ownership of each condo unit.
Active Price List (09/10/09)
Unit 303 - $178,420 ~ original price $319,000
Unit 405 - $198,244 ~ original price $339,000
Unit 406 - $208,681 ~ original price $319,000
Unit 404 - $208,309 ~ original price $309,000
Unit 207 - $218,148 ~ original price $319,000
Unit 402 - $208,193 ~ original price $309,000
Unit 403 - $207,885 ~ original price $309,000
Unit 505 - $238,617 ~ original price $359,000
Unit 506 - $237,814 ~ original price $379,000
Unit 208 - $243,670 ~ original price $309,000
Unit 502 - $238,119 ~ original price $379,000
Unit 503 - $238,433 ~ original price $349,000
Unit 408 - $268,914 ~ original price $389,000
Unit 507 - $278,539 ~ original price $409,000
Don't Wait Any Longer
Dreamscape offers one of the last affordable view properties on the Pacific Northwest Coast. Each home has unparalleled views of the Pacific Ocean, the Jetty, Olympic Mountains, Westport nightscape, stunning sunsets and pristine beaches.
For sales inquiries, please contact
Ric Canfield at 360.593.4266
Jeff Daniel at 360.581.9020
Coldwell Banker Ocean Beach Properties
749 Point Brown Ave NW
PMB 1568, Ocean Shores, WA 98569
360.289.3111 (fax)
Monday, July 13, 2009
To Buy or to Build, is that the only Question?
On many occasions while showing new houses out on the beach, some buyers take the approach that they would rather get a loan to buy a vacant lot, then hire a local builder to build them their beach getaway. There are several differences when it comes to the financing options between purchasing an existing home or buying a lot and having a home built on it. I recently sat down and talked to Carol Warfield, loan officer with the Bank of the Pacific about some of the differences.
The first is the required down payment
On a conventional construction loan, you must invest 20% of the cost of the entire project, which would include land purchase and prep, cost of plans, plan review, building permit, well and septic design & permits if applicable, cost of construction including builders overhead, sales tax, etc. All closing costs on a construction loan are in addition to the 20% investment in the project itself, and generally run more than closing costs for a purchase loan.
With a construction loan, you can almost always count on two things - it will take longer and cost more than you expect. Another thing to watch is change orders. Once your construction loan is in place, 100% of the cost of change orders comes out of your pocket.
On a purchase loan you know up-front what your costs will be. You will pay the required down payment, plus closing costs. There are many types of loan programs available for purchase loans - Conventional, FHA and USDA are among the most popular.
The second difference is interest rate
Single-close construction loan interest rates typically run about 1/2% higher than purchase loans interest rates. With either type of loan, you lock in an interest rate prior to closing the loan. On a construction loan, you pay interest monthly on the amount you’ve drawn during construction, and then the loan converts to a 15 or 30 year fixed rate loan, with principal and interest payments once construction is complete. You pay the same interest rate during construction and during the long-term loan. Because the interest rate is “locked in” prior to the home being built, the investor takes some risk by guaranteeing you that interest rate once construction is complete, so they tend to price them a little higher. The other potential hazard is that if you don’t complete construction in the allotted time-frame, you would either lose your interest rate lock, and get whatever the going rate is at the time construction is complete, or pay a fee to extend the interest rate lock.
On a purchase loan, the rate lock period is generally 30-45 days, just enough time to close the loan, so investors are more likely to price at current market rates. Once you’ve closed your purchase loan, there is no risk of losing your rate lock.
Another difference is the risk and hassle factor
A purchase loan is a pretty easy loan to process and close. All required documentation is gathered up front, generally two years income verification (tax returns and/or W-2s), two months recent paystubs, and two months recent asset statements. If you have non-wage income, you may be asked to supply verification of that information also, such as lease agreements on rental properties, trust agreements, child support, annuity or investment income, etc. Once your credit report is pulled, it is not a common practice to need an updated report before the loan closes.
On a construction loan, all the same documentation is required up front, plus all the construction-project paperwork. Once construction is complete, some investors are requiring updated credit report and income documentation. I’ve seen instances where credit has deteriorated and income was reduced, causing the loan to no longer fit the program for which it was originally approved, sometimes making the loan ineligible for secondary market purchase. Then the loan would revert to a portfolio loan at a higher interest rate.
If you have any questions regarding new construction, new homes or builders in the Ocean Shores/North Beach area, please contact Jeff Daniel/Associate Broker with
Whether you’re looking a home loan, construction loan or refinancing, please contact Carol Warfield at 360.537.4044.
Carol started with Bank of the Pacific in 1997 as a branch manager and has been originating home loans since 2004. Carol has over 20 years of banking experience which includes helping customers buy, refinance, and build their dream homes. With her vast experience and dedication to each customer, Carol ensures your transaction will go smoothly.
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
Existing-Home Sales Rise in May

Sunday, June 07, 2009
Scenes of the Beach
Saturday, May 16, 2009 Newsletter ~ 05.2009
It's the Season!
Here we go again. Another Ocean Shores summer coming right up. This means that tens of thousands of families will be calling Ocean Shores home for a week or two while they're on their summer vacation at the beach. Couples will come visit on weekends. The big events will draw thousands to town. Snow birds will return from the south for their 3 to 6 month stay at the North beach while the weather's nice and it's too hot in the South. Late Spring and Summertime are definitely the months of the year where most people visit the North Coast. And it's obvious with all the events coming up and gas prices being reasonable again, that this year should be a record breaker in terms of traffic and body counts at the beach. For those of us who live here fulltime, just remember that we live in a place where other people like to go on vacation and that's pretty cool. Except for when they pull up to one of those four way stops. That's when it's not very cool anymore.
Ocean Shores Real Estate Update
January had a spark with some sales. February was okay. March was a real busy month with quite a few sales that closed in April. April sales started out strong, but then fizzled. May is looking to take It's still pretty strange these days in real estate. Some days, the phone won't stop ringing and the email inbox fills up with buyers looking for properties and then the next day nothing. Per usual, sales seem to be coming in waves this year. The end of off again now that tax season is behind us and the sun is staying out longer. I expect residential sales to stay pretty close to matching 2008's number in regards to the number of transactions going on. Lots and condo sales are still dreadful even as prices have fallen off the charts. There are some unbelievable prices on condos and lots in town right now. We haven't seen these kind of prices since 2003 or 2004 in some cases.
On another note, we're starting to see multiple offers on some properties these days and that's a great sign that there are plenty of buyers out there looking for a deal. This weekend alone I received two offers on a house listing. One was reasonable, the other was not. There's not much of a science to it, but if the price is right and the timing is right, buyers line up. Those people that made the lowball offer missed out and if they don't step up to the plate now, they're going to end up with a real nice beach house in Aberdeen or Hoquiam. If you don't think the bottom has already hit, you're going to end up paying more for waiting longer. Now's the time to buy.
Here are some real estate numbers as of 5/9/09 for Ocean Shores only. All statistics are supplied from the Northwest Multiple Listing Service.
Residential Sales
22 Homes sold in April 2009 for an average selling price of $182,743. Average time on the market was 146 days. The maximum time for one house was 841 days. Unfortunately, it happens sometimes... There's currently 32 homes are pending around town. I know that 22 home sales for April doesn't sound all that great, but consider the following: 7 houses sold in January this year. Only 8 sold in February and 16 sold in March. Home sales in Ocean Shores for the month of April are most definitely up and the trend looks to stay strong for the remainder of this year. If for some reason you think Ocean Shores is a sluggish real estate market, think again. Our neighbors across the Harbor in Westport only had two home sales in the month of April.
In April of 2008, 22 homes also sold so that's even. Selling price was tad bit higher at $184,023 last year and average time on the market was quite a bit longer at 202 days.
There's 219 homes for sale in Ocean Shores for an average price of $247,517 right now and the average time on market is 234 days.
Condo Sales
5 Condos have sold in 2009 so far for an average selling price of $88,380. Average time on the market was 327 days. The maximum time for one condo was 1,153 days. Ugh. There's currently 6 condos that are pending around town so that's actually an encouragement.
Through May 1st of last year, only 4 Condos had sold for an average sale price of $247,000 (hey, Condos sales are up 20% this year through May 1st!). It's not that condo prices have fallen so hard (from $247,000 in 2008 to $88,380 this year), it's just that the cheaper ones are selling while the more expensive ones have been a bit more difficult to move during recent times.
There are currently 72 Condos for sale in Ocean Shores for an average listing price of $251,805 and the average time on the market is 422 days.
Vacant Lot Sales
11 Lots sold in April 2009 for an average selling price of $40,955 (this includes everything from a cheap interior lot at $16,000 to a waterfront lot for $143,000). Average time on the market was 254 days. The maximum time for one lot was 1,214 days. That seems a bit silly, but I'm not surprised... There's currently 11 lots that are pending around town. Lot sales are dreadful this year...
In April of 2008, 25 lots sold for an average price of $46,372 and time on the market was 172 days. The cheapest lot was sold for $18,000 while the most expensive one sold for $185,000.
There's 583 lots on the market for an average price of $86,922 while the cheapest one comes in at $12,000 (needs fill!) and the most expensive one is an ocean front near the North Jetty for a cool $499,900.
If you have any questions regarding Ocean Shores/North Coast Real Estate, call Jeff Daniel of Coldwell Banker Ocean Beach Properties at 360.581.9020 or visit my website at Thanks!
Upcoming Events
Kite Challenge
Saturday, June 13 , 2009Sponsored by "Team Cutting Edge Kites" - 2005 & 2006 World Champions. Free kite flying lessons, stunt competitions, fun flies, displays and more.
Flag Day Parade & DanceSaturday, June 13 , 2009A chance to show our patriotic spirit. The parade features more than 75 entries and a Grand Marshall. End the day with dancing and raffle drawings. One of the only Flag Day parades in Western Washington.
WA State Square & Folk Dance Festival
Friday, June 19 - Saturday, June 20, 2009"Let the light shine in 2009" 58th Annual Washington State Square & Folk Dance Festival!
Sand and Sawdust Festival
Friday, June 26 - Sunday, June 28, 2009Five Star Dealerships Sand and Sawdust Festival welcomes you to the beach! Master, Intermediate, & Novice Sand-Sculpting teams compete for over $5,000.00 in cash prizes. At the Convention Center master woodcarvers from all over the world compete in this amazing annual competition. There are vendors, food sales & the live auctions are held daily on carvings! Families & children are invited to enter the sand-sculpting competition or learn sand-sculpting skills at the free lesson offered Friday morning.
Independence Day PicnicFriday, July 3 , 2009The business community of Ocean Shores is sponsoring the annual Ocean Shores Independence Day Picnic on Friday, July 3, 2009 at North Bay Park. Picnic Hours are from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission is free!! Come celebrate the birth of our nation. Bring a blanket and your picnic basket or take advantage of the many food vendors that will be on hand. There will be something fun for all ages at this old-fashioned community friendly event.
Beach News
This is where I've been getting mine lately:
Jeff Daniel Associate Broker
Coldwell Banker Ocean Beach Properties
Phone: 360.581.9020749 Point Brown Ave NW/PMB 1568, Ocean Shores, WA 98569PROPERTY SEARCH:
OCEAN SHORES WEBSITE: http://www.cityofoceanshores.comOCEAN SHORES BLOG:
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Thursday, April 09, 2009 Newsletter ~ 04.2009

Spring Time means Whale Migration Time!
It's starting to look a lot like spring with daffodils blooming and new leaves taking shape on the trees. Along the coast, spring time means whale time! The season typically begins in late March to coincide with the migration of gray whales, which often stop to feed in Grays Harbor on their annual trip from Baja, CA to feeding grounds in Alaska. The season lasts until the end of May. While many people will venture out to watch the whales on a charter boat, I prefer to save a coin and watch them from the comforts of the high sand dunes at the North Jetty. As it stands, most of the charters venture to the area between Westport and Ocean Shores, known as the "whale hole" in hopes of spotting the mammals. You can watch this area from the Jetty. Bring your binoculars. In addition to gray whales, it's not uncommon at all to watch sea lions and Pacific Harbor porpoises nosing around the Jetty. If you get lucky, you'll see some Orca whales inside the harbor. This is a real treat. It's not often, but sometimes people get lucky and will see a humpback whale or two passing by. This is one of my favorite times to be at the beach...
Ocean Shores Real Estate Update
Real Estate activity is still up and down out here. Surprisingly, traffic counts are way up with lots of people looking at property and some are buying again... and that's good. According to the City, numbers from the count at the City entrances show that the visitor count is up 9% so far this year. That's great news! Nearly 60,000 more people visited Ocean Shores in February 2009 than February 2008 alone. Last year, with high gas prices for most of the time, numbers were down 8.5% for the year. The fact that traffic count numbers are up bodes well for sellers and local businesses. Here are some statistics regarding home sales in Ocean Shores for 1st quarter 2009:
2009: 31 Homes sold during 1st Quarter / Average Sales Price: $179,355.
2008: 37 Homes sold during 1st Quarter / Average Sales Price: $211,534.
2007: 46 Homes sold during 1st Quarter / Average Sales Price: $192,175.
*Average time on market for homes that have sold: 177 Days. Last year at this time, it took 190 days to sell your house.
*Home sellers are getting on average, 95.05% of asking price.
*As of April 7th, there's 36 homes that are pending (waiting to close) right now - meaning, that assuming all of those homes close, 2nd quarter without any new sales for the next few months, will already outperform the dismal results of the 1st quarter. We know that there will be new sales of course, so 2nd quarter is definitely looking up and I'll be shocked if by the end of the 2nd quarter, home sales haven't more than doubled or even tripled 1st quarter's results.
Overall, home inventory is shrinking which is really good news as we would all like to see the market to stabilize. Also shrinking are the number of bank-owned properties. They are definitely selling out here for really low prices. There's very few bank-owned house out here anymore though. Most of the bank-owned properties are fixers and need a lot of work. If you're interested, send me an email. Also doing pretty well is new construction. People still want their getaway at the beach and builders are still building them.
Land and condo sales are horrible. That's the bad news for sellers. For buyers, prices on condos and land are way down and there's plenty of fantastic deals that are up for grabs right now. As summer approaches and the tourism seasons moves into full swing, we're expecting the deals to disappear. Prices at the beach generally speaking don't go down during the summer months. If you're looking for a deal, now's the time.
All numbers & stats are from the NWMLS. If you have any questions regarding these numbers or activity in the real estate market, please call me at 360.581.9020 or send me an email.
Seller Financing? How to get financing for a vacant lot without anyone's stimulus...
These days, with the economy as it is, getting a lot loan from a bank is more of a challenge that it was only a couple of years ago. Back in 2007, a person with a decent income, credit score and 20% down could get a lot loan from any local lender. Today, you can get a loan, but it's going to require you... (click "HERE" to read the rest of this story)
Upcoming Events
Photo & Fine Arts Show - April 9-12
Artists & photographers from all over the United States enter this show to win prizes and display their unique photos and works of art. Held at the Convention Center.
Shorebird Festival - April 24th - 26th
Discover the incredible variety of shorebirds that pass through Grays Harbor in April at this 14th annual event. Multiple locations for viewing around Ocean Shores include Protection Island, Damon Point and the North Jetty! Join scheduled watching tours or set your own birding agenda and enjoy the views!
Three-day Razor Clam Dig starting April 25th!
The state Department of Fish & Wildlife has announced tentative dates for the next (and probably last for the spring) razor clam dig. Three beaches are set to open this month if marine toxin tests find the clams are safe to eat. Dates and low tides for the April dig are:
Saturday, April 25 (7:27 a.m., -1.3 ft.) Long Beach, Twin Harbors, Copalis, Mocrocks
Sunday, April 26 (8:10 a.m., -1.6 ft.) Long Beach, Twin Harbors, Copalis, Mocrocks
Monday, April 27 (8:55 a.m., -1.7 ft.) Long Beach, Twin Harbors, Copalis, Mocrocks
Harvesters are allowed to take no more than 15 razor clams and must keep the first 15 they dig, regardless of size or condition. Each digger's clams must be kept in a separate container.A license is required for anyone age 15 or older. Any 2008 Washington state annual shellfish/seaweed license or combination license is still valid. Another option is a razor-clam only license available in annual or three-day only versions. Descriptions of the various licensing options are available on the department's Web site at
Country Music Jam - May 2-3
Two days of open jam sessions. This is an old-time jam and people of all playing levels are welcome. The public is invited. Admission is free. Dinner & Dance Saturday night. Ear plugs optional.
First Bank Robbery Ever in Ocean Shores
So this 40 year old lady walks into Timberland Bank just outside the gates of Ocean Shores and hands the teller a note saying "you are being robbed." The note also said to "smile." She made off with almost $1800, hopped in her little car and drove about a half mile away, parked and called 911 confessing to the robbery. The scoop is that she wanted a fresh start in life and understood that robbing a federal bank is a good way to go to federal prison which apparently is a much better prison that educates better and feeds you better than local state prisons. I'm not sure about this. Anyway, the robber, while being arrested, wanted to know where the FBI was and stated to the local officers that she wanted to be arrested by the FBI because this was a federal bank robbery. Unfortunately for her, it wasn't. And unfortunately for her, she's not going to federal prison. She's going to a state prison.
Fresh Water Update
Some citizens and visitors in certain parts of town have complained for years about their water containing fowl odors and a strange taste. With the billions and trillions of dollars being thrown at our spiraling economy, Ocean Shores is in the running to receive about $3 million in federal funds to create the city's aquifer treatment plant project - aimed at improving the city's water quality. The city has now decided to move ahead with a new water treatment facility. More later...
New Features at the Interpretive Center
The Ocean Shores Interpretive Center is expanding and has some new cool things to do like exploring a new trail, checking out new exhibits and getting silly on a playground. Students from local high schools designed and constructed the Interpretive Trail as part of their senior culminating project. The trail is about 500 feet long (that's about the right length of a trail I want to walk on) leads visitors through a small coastal forest with a wetland area and a boardwalk. Students who worked on the project identified tree and plant species along the trail, and Interpretive Center officials will be placing signs in front of each type identified. Check it out. The Center is now open daily through the summer.
* Check it out now. Changes almost everyday!
Jeff Daniel/Associate Broker
Coldwell Banker Ocean Beach Properties
Cell Phone: 360.581.9020749 Point Brown Ave NW/PMB 1568, Ocean Shores, WA 98569888.469.3100 (toll free) - 360.289.3111 (fax)
Friday, March 13, 2009 Newsletter ~ 03.2009
How to enjoy Spring Break in Ocean Shores
Spring Break is coming up for a lot of families and Ocean Shores remains a top destination for folks from all over the Northwest who flock to Ocean Shores to getaway from it all. Here's a few free activities to consider other than enjoying the beach of course:
1. Check out Damon Point State Park at the southern end of town. It's a good 3 hour walk to the end of Protection Island and back but well worth it.
2. Visit the Interpretive Center to get a sense of history of this place (educational).
3. Enjoy a nature's walk throughout the Weatherwax property.
4. Visit the North Jetty during low tide to visit the starfish, crabs, sea urchins and more as the low tides exposes these creatures.
5. Don't forget to get out and go sightseeing. You really can't get lost driving around in Ocean Shores. Just remember that there's only one road in and out of Ocean Shore. If that's not enough, head North and drive up State Route 109 to visit the tiny towns of Copalis Beach, Pacific Beach, Seabrook and Moclips. Some of the sights up there are just amazing.
This hilarious picture was emailed to me recently with the following headline:
"Trampolines Banned in Ocean Shores!"
Real Estate Update
Real Estate activity is still busy out here with lots of people looking at property and a few are actually buying again... and that's good. Land & Condo sales are still very slow however. There are some screaming deals out at the beach right now!
I'm always surprised by the number of people who say that they're familiar with Ocean Shores, but have no idea that there's 23 miles of freshwater in town featuring two lakes and miles and miles of connecting canals. Then again, I don't know why I'm surprised as I didn't even know that when we first started looking for our home down here either. I guess it's a big secret. There's not many places on this planet where someone can own a home, condo or a lot and have 60+ feet of waterfront footage on a freshwater canal or lake and still only be a 1/2 mile or so from the ocean beaches. For hundreds and hundreds of people who own a piece of Duck Lake, Lake Minard, the Bell Canals, the Grand Canal or some other section of fresh waterfront in Ocean Shores, this is real and it's awesome. With that in mind, prices are down and that's something to think about (now is the time, buy low, sell high?)....
* Lake front homes are averaging $319,552 these days ranging in price from $114,900 for a double wide all the way up to $639,000 for a 3,000 sq ft beauty.
* Lake front lots are down to $108,416 on average ranging in price from $62,500 up to $159,000.
* Canal front homes are averaging $241,813 right now ranging in price from $129,900 on up to $449,000.
* Canal front lots are averaging $80,617 these days ranging in price from $49,888 on up to $139,900.
Let me know if you'd like to see what's available on the water. Click on any of the pictures above to search for properties. Next month, I'll have first quarter '09 real estate stats to report... Ugh.
Upcoming Events
Four-day razor clam dig approved starting March 27th!
The state Department of Fish & Wildlife has announced dates for the next razor clam digs, one in late March and another in April. Four beaches are set to open this month if marine toxin tests find the clams are safe to eat. Twin Harbors and Mockrocks will be open March 27 through March 29, while Long Beach and Copalis will be open March 28 and 29 only. All digs on those beaches must be completed by noon, officials said. Dates and low tides for the March dig are:
Friday, March 27 - (7:49 a.m. 0.0 ft.) Twin Harbors, Mocrocks
Saturday, March 28 - (8:29 a.m. -0.4 ft.) Long Beach, Twin Harbors, Copalis, Mocrocks
Sunday, March 29 - (9:12 a.m. -0.6 ft.) Long Beach, Twin Harbors, Copalis, MocrocksAyres added more digs will likely be announced following the April digs.Harvesters are allowed to take no more than 15 razor clams and must keep the first 15 they dig, regardless of size or condition. Each digger's clams must be kept in a separate container.A license is required for anyone age 15 or older. Any 2008 Washington state annual shellfish/seaweed license or combination license is still valid. Another option is a razor-clam only license available in annual or three-day only versions. Descriptions of the various licensing options are available on the department's Web site at
Razor Clam Festival - March 27-28The Ocean Shores/North Beach Chamber of Commerce will host the Third Annual Razor Clam Festival and Chowder Cook-Off March 27-28th. This two-day event will celebrate the natural bounty of "coastal life"-it's community, conservation and culture. The event will kick off Friday evening, March 27th at the Shilo Inn, with a Coronation Dance in honor of this year's Clam King & Queen. Tickets are available in advance by calling the chamber at (360) 289-2451.
On Saturday, the festival will run from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm at the Convention Center and will feature both amateur and professional chowder cook-off divisions and a professional only "creative clam entrée" contest.
The Chamber is very honored to have celebrity chef Kathy Casey with them this year as head judge for the professional categories. Casey is celebrated as a pioneer in northwest cuisine and has gained national prominence as one of the first female executive chefs in the United States. Kathy is also is a razor clam digging enthusiast!
The winners of the cook-offs will again enjoy boasting rights for an entire year as having the "Best Chowder and/or Creative Clam Entrée on the Washington Coast".
Other activities will include a pancake breakfast, the awarding of the "Best Decorated Clam Shovel or Clam Gun"; a salute to the businesses of Ocean Shores; the Artisan Craft Marketplace, featuring over 40 Northwest artists and crafters with unique and indigenous works; children's activities and games; live entertainment; information about coastal heritage, conservation and cultural exhibits; a beer and wine bar; and great food all setting the stage for the low tide that morning and the scheduled clam dig.
Admission is free with nominal fees for chowder sampling.
About Kathy Casey
Kathy Casey is a celebrity chef, mixologist, TV and radio personality, and author of nine cookbooks, including the James Beard-nominated Kathy Casey's Northwest Table. Her newest book is Sips & Apps. As one of the first female executive chefs in the United States, Kathy was featured as one of Food and Wine's hot new American chefs. Kathy founded Kathy Casey Food Studios and Liquid Kitchen, a food and beverage consulting firm and research and development facility. She is also owner of Dish D'Lish cafes and specialty food line. When not dreaming up the next big thing, Kathy can be found foraging for wild mushrooms, digging razor clams and harvesting kiwis from her urban garden. For more information, visit
Shorebird Festival - April 24th - 26th
Discover the incredible variety of shorebirds that pass through Grays Harbor in April at this 14th annual event. Multiple locations for viewing around Ocean Shores include Protection Island, Damon Point and the North Jetty! Join scheduled watching tours or set your own birding agenda and enjoy the view!
Again, this is the beach and not much happens out here and that's the way we like it. Maybe next month something will happen.
* www.cityofoceanshores.comThe website has been redesigned and mainly severely updated to serve property buyers, sellers, visitors, vacationers and anyone interested in Ocean Shores or the North Beach area. I've added a few new sections to the site. Please check it out and feel free to share any comments with me if you want. Thanks I'll see you on the beach!
Jeff Daniel Associate Broker
Coldwell Banker Ocean Beach Properties749 Point Brown Ave NW/PMB 1568, Ocean Shores, WA 985691.360.581.9020 (cell) - 1.888.469.3100 (toll free) - 1.360.289.3111 (fax)PROPERTY SEARCH:
OCEAN SHORES INFO: http://www.cityofoceanshores.comOCEAN SHORES BLOG:
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Friday, March 06, 2009
Ocean Shores Home Owner Asbestos Prevention Info

The known affects of asbestos exposure have been documented since the early 1900’s. It was not until the late 1970’s that the fire retardant insulation was banned from being manufactured in the United States (mostly).
In the world of real estate and home ownership, there are many things that need to be considered and decisions to be made. Owning a home will bring many memorable moments to families, but also additional responsibilities. Many homes and buildings built prior to 1980 can still contain asbestos. Potential Ocean Shore home buyers or those seeking to remodel older homes should be aware frequent exposure to asbestos can potentially cause health concerns.
This is not to make you incredibly frightened of asbestos because exposure it easily prevented by taking simple precautions. Asbestos that is left un-disturbed and is in good condition almost always will not be cause for alarm. When it becomes damaged and its fibers become airborne, where significant worries arise.
The frequent inhalation of asbestos can cause a rare, but severe lung ailment known as pleural mesothelioma. Current research indicates it can take up to 20 to 50 years for this illness to develop. Although significant progress has been made with mesothelioma treatments, patient prognosis is usually poor. If you locate any suspected asbestos, most experts advise to leave it alone. A home inspector can determine the validity of toxicity present. In most cases, the best action is no action in regards to asbestos. However, if removal is necessary, it must be performed by a licensed abatement contractor who is trained and licensed to deal with hazardous materials.
The Washington Foundation for the Environment is a nonprofit corporation striving to provide projects and education focusing on environmental awareness. It also provides detailed information to citizens, schools and public facilities about the health hazards of asbestos.
Once the asbestos removal is complete, you should consider green insulation alternatives as viable replacements for asbestos. These options include cotton fiber, lcynene foam and cellulose, which make the use of asbestos obsolete. Studies show that these recycled building materials can even reduce annual energy costs up to 25 percent. Citizens and organizations in Washington are doing their part in nurturing and prospering their mountains, natural springs and fresh air. There is no need for innocent by standards to put their health and lives at risk for obsolete and dangerous building applications.
Saturday, February 07, 2009 Newsletter ~ 02.2009

Springtime at the Beach!
Well, it's not really here yet (one can wish!) and apparently a little gopher or groundhog or whatever he is decided to give us a few more weeks of winter. However, there are no groundhogs out here at the beach, so it doesn't count! Plus, it sure doesn't feel like winter around here as it's been sunny and warm most of the past week...
Real Estate Update
January was one of the strangest months in real estate that I've ever seen out here on the beach. Usually, in these winter months, when a buyer comes to town to look at houses or lots, usually, they're ready to buy now because it's kinda cold & windy and not many people go house shopping in the winter unless their ready to buy. This isn't really the case the right now. Sure, I've got a few deals going with some current buyers who've made offers and such, but I (and I'm hearing the same from other agents as well) have had a lot more buyers than usual for this time of year looking now and then planning on buying later this year. I'm not sure if they're waiting for prices to fall, hoped that prices had fallen more already or perhaps they're waiting for better interest rates... Either way, I think it's a sign that something's changing... A lot of people are looking... and that's a start. Here's some other news regarding the current state of real estate....
"Senate approves $15,000 tax credit for homebuyers"
The Senate voted Wednesday night to give a tax break of up to $15,000 to homebuyers in hopes of revitalizing the housing industry...
"Home sales show surprising strength in December!"
Sales of existing homes posted an unexpected increase last month, closing out the worst year for the U.S. real estate market in more than a decade on a surprising up note.
"Pending home sales post increase of 6.3 percent"
Buyers wade back into market as prices fall along with mortgage rates
An index that tracks signed contracts to purchase existing homes rebounded in December, as buyers snapped up properties at deep discounts...
Looking for a deal? Here's a list of Sweet Deals for Sale at the Beach!
Upcoming Events
Four-day razor clam dig approved starting February 6th
Clam diggers have received the go-ahead to proceed with a razor clam dig starting Friday, Feb. 6. Three evening digs are scheduled at Twin Harbors, Copalis and Mocrocks Feb. 6-8, while Long Beach is scheduled for two digs Feb. 7-8. As with previous openers, digging will be allowed only during the hours between noon and midnight.
Harvesters are allowed to take no more than 15 razor clams and must keep the first 15 they dig, regardless of size or condition. Each digger's clams must be kept in a separate container. A license is required for anyone age 15 or older. Any 2008 Washington state annual shellfish/seaweed license or combination license is still valid. Another option is a razor-clam only license available in annual or three-day only versions. Descriptions of the various licensing options are available on the WDFW website at Washington's beaches, which are managed by the Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission, are considered state highways and all rules of the road apply.
Opening dates and evening low tides:
Friday, Feb. 6 (3:55 p.m., -0.1 ft.) Twin Harbors, Copalis, Mocrocks
Saturday, Feb. 7 (4:50 p.m., -0.4 ft.) Long Beach, Twin Harbors, Copalis, Mocrocks
Sunday, Feb. 8 (5:39 p.m., -0.6 ft.) Long Beach, Twin Harbors, Copalis, Mocrocks
Beaches scheduled to open are:
Long Beach, which extends from the Columbia River to Leadbetter Point.
Twin Harbors Beach, which extends from the mouth of Willapa Bay north to the south jetty at the mouth of Grays Harbor.
Copalis Beach, which extends from the Grays Harbor north jetty to the Copalis River, and includes the Copalis, Ocean Shores, Oyhut, Ocean City and Copalis areas. Mocrocks Beach, which extends from the Copalis River to the southern boundary of the Quinault Reservation near the Moclips River, including Iron Springs, Roosevelt Beach, Pacific Beach and Moclips.
Ocean Shores Antique & Collectible Show - Feb 14-15
The 7th Annual Show at the Ocean Shores Convention Center. Show hours are Saturday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission is a $2.00 donation to local charities and nonprofits. Over eighty vendors will offer a wide variety of antiques including dolls, glass, furniture, American Art pottery, vintage baseball cards, postcards, and much, much more. Hourly Door Prizes. Available on site will be food booths and Roy's Glass and Crystal Repair Service.
Beachcombers Fun Fair - March 7-8
Event features exhibits, seminars, information booths, and vendors on Saturday and Sunday; a kid's science fair Saturday morning plus beach walks on Sunday morning.
Razor Clam Festival - March 27-28
Put on by the Ocean Shores Chamber of Commerce. 360.289.2451. We'll have a lot more info next month as it's not available yet.
Shorebird Festival - April 24th - 26th
Discover the incredible variety of shorebirds that pass through Grays Harbor in April at this 14th annual event. Multiple locations for viewing around Ocean Shores include Protection Island, Damon Point and the North Jetty! Join scheduled watching tours or set your own birding agenda and enjoy the view!
Again, this is the beach and we don't really make news. We do have a Mayor though and he likes to talk.
Mayor & City Union at Odds
In a story titled "Unions Reject Pay Concessions" in the January 15th The Daily World, Mayor Bunkers "announced that making pay adjustments to city employees' salaries doesn't seem to be an option to help ease the city's ongoing budget crisis," he says. He goes on about how he hoped that the pay adjustments could generate $300,000 for the city. "They said no, but it's fine," Bunker's also said. "It's their prerogative." Bunker's then adds that he's not sure how he will recoup the $300,000 if it won't come through pay adjustments." Then, he adds "I'm still not comfortable with the budget as it is," Bunker's said. "I don't want to have to lay any more people off." That must be a negotiation tactic...
Mayor & State Auditor's Office at Odds
Also in TDW, an article on January 24th titled "Utility fund will have to wait," the latest audit report of the City revealed that they had not taken any action to repay the $1.9 million overcharged to the utility fund between 2001 and 2006. The State Auditor's Office has recommended that the city pay back the fund as soon as possible. "We be laying off people to do that at this stage of the game," said Mayor Bunkers. With a budget in crisis, the city recently laid off eight employees. Until the budget situation improves, Bunkers said repayment will have to be put on hold. "We'll just have wait and see how our revenues turn out," he said. Warning: traffic tickets = city revenue...
Jeff Daniel
Associate Broker
Coldwell Banker Ocean Beach Properties
749 Point Brown Ave NW/PMB 1568, Ocean Shores, WA 98569
1.360.581.9020 (cell) - 1.888.469.3100 (toll free) - 1.360.289.3111 (fax)
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Custom Builders NW ~ New Construction Status 1.26.09

261 Clover Creek Ave NW, Ocean Shores, WA 98569 ~ $174,900 ~ COMPLETE IN ONE WEEK

Brand new 2 bed/2 bath Beach Chalet features awesome vaulted ceilings, open & spacious kitchen, dining & living room areas, stainless steel appliances, gorgeous propane fireplace and more! 1080 sq ft. 2 bed/2 bath. MLS# 28092667
This house is nearly complete will be finished no later than Friday, January 30th. Another one of these chalet's is now under construction on Helm Street and will be listed soon.
255 Sunrise Ave SE, Ocean Shores, WA 98569 ~ $219,900 ~ THREE WEEKS 'TIL COMPLETION
Still time for your buyers to pick out colors, flooring, etc...

Gorgeous New Golf Course Home featuring maple laminate, slate and carpet floors, propane fireplace, granite tile counters, vaulted ceiling, attached 2-car garage & more! 1440 sq ft. 3 bed/2 bath/2 car garage. MLS# 28154738
Still time for your buyers to pick out colors, flooring, etc...
168 Point Brown Ave SE, Ocean Shores, WA 98569 ~ $274,900 ~ FOUNDATION JUST POURED
Sweet New Grand Canal Home under construction just down the street from the Beach! Features include: hardwood, slate and carpet floors, propane fireplace, granite tile countertops, vaulted ceiling, attached 2-car garage! 1440 sq ft. 3 bed/2 bath/2 car garage. MLS# 29005813
Still time for your buyers to pick out colors, flooring, etc...
If you have any questions regarding any of these homes or would like more info regarding Custom Builders NW custom work for you, please call me @ 360.581.9020. Thanks!
Jeff Daniel
Associate Broker
Coldwell Banker Ocean Beach Properties
Cell Phone: 360.581.9020
Tuesday, January 06, 2009 Newsletter ~ 12.2008

Not much happens out here at the beach, but a few events managed to make headlines last year....
* Hundreds of mysterious silver-colored canisters that once contained rat poison washed up on our beaches...
* Ocean Shores was featured as one of the top 16 most affordable coastal communities in Coastal Living magazine...
* The Ocean Shores / Westport Ferry known as the El Matador shut down operations because of too much muck in the Marina...
* The Fire Department moved forward with the construction of a new 20,000 square foot fire station on Point Brown Avenue...
* The Grays Harbor County Commissioners approved a $3 million dollar loan to construct a new water system just outside of town...
* The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission issued a permit for the Grays Harbor Ocean Energy Co. to conduct a feasibility study for generating power from wind and wave energy off of our coast. Hopefully coming soon...
* The Weatherwax property - an undeveloped 120 acre forest tract near the center of town - will stay that way...
* The local election brought us a strong mayor in Ocean Shores for the first time (rather than an appointed one). We also found out that Mayor Dean Bunkers is the highest paid government official in Grays Harbor County (never came up during the election interestingly enough) just before he announced the layoffs of eight city employees.
* The beach had more snowfall than most can remember this past December. It sure doesn't feel like global warming these days...
Real Estate Update
It's no secret that 2008 was a horrible year for most if not all businesses (except Walmart of course) in the country. Here are some numbers regarding Ocean Shores real estate:
* 206 Homes sold in 2008 for an average sales price of $194,480 compared to 241 Homes sold in 2007 for an average sales price of $209,783.
* Currently, there's 228 Homes on the market for an average price of $259,367 compared to 217 Homes on the market last year at this time for an average price of $275,592.
* 189 Lots sold in 2008 for an average sales price of $47,799 compared to 322 Lots sold in Ocean Shores during 2007 for an average sales price of $54,655. Ouch.
* Currently, there's 518 Lots on the market compared to 580 Lots on the market this time last year.
* Condo sales at the beach this past year wasn't very good. That's the bad news. The good news, is that condo prices in Ocean Shores are more reasonable than ever. There are some screaming deals these days on waterfront condos at the beach. Send me an email to get a list.

On another note, even though the Ocean Shores real estate market was off this past year, consider how bad the market is in a couple of other beach towns. All things said, real estate is doing pretty good in Ocean Shores.
* Ocean Shores sold 206 Homes and 189 Lots in 2008 compared to 241 Homes and 322 Lots in 2007.
* Seabrook/Pacific Beach sold 5 Homes and 1 Lot in 2008 compared to 16 Homes and 16 Lots in 2007.
* Westport sold 29 Homes and 8 Lots in 2008 compared to 51 Homes and 22 Lots in 2007.
* Long Beach sold 43 Homes and 15 Lots in 2008 compared to 73 Homes and 39 Lots in 2007.
Summary: Ocean Shores is still the most affordable coastal community in the country and that's a big reason why a lot of baby boomers are retiring in Ocean Shores and numerous people move here to work, play and buy their vacation getaways. Now is the best time to buy in Ocean Shores!
Coldwell Banker Ocean Beach Properties is #1
On a personal note, I would very much like to thank everyone who helped me in becoming the #1 agent in not only Ocean Shores, but all of Grays Harbor County as well.
-all real estate statistics are supplied by the Northwest Multiple Listing Service.
Here's a list of Sweet Deals for Sale at the Beach!
Upcoming Events
Four-day razor clam dig approved starting January 8th
Clam diggers have received the go-ahead to proceed with a razor-clam dig starting Thursday, Jan. 8, with an additional dig tentatively planned for February. our evening digs are scheduled at Twin Harbors, Copalis and Mocrocks Jan. 8-11, while Long Beach is scheduled for three digs Jan. 9-11. As with previous openers, digging will be allowed only during the hours between noon and midnight.
Harvesters are allowed to take no more than 15 razor clams and must keep the first 15 they dig, regardless of size or condition. Each digger's clams must be kept in a separate container. A license is required for anyone age 15 or older. Any 2008 Washington state annual shellfish/seaweed license or combination license is still valid. Another option is a razor-clam only license available in annual or three-day only versions. Descriptions of the various licensing options are available on the WDFW website at Washington's beaches, which are managed by the Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission, are considered state highways and all rules of the road apply.
Opening dates and evening low tides:
Thursday, Jan. 8 (4:13 p.m., -0.2 ft.) Twin Harbors, Copalis, Mocrocks Friday, Jan. 9 (5:07 p.m., -0.8 ft.) Long Beach, Twin Harbors, Copalis, Mocrocks Saturday, Jan. 10 (5:58 p.m., -1.1 ft.) Long Beach, Twin Harbors, Copalis, Mocrocks Sunday, Jan. 11, (6:45 p.m., -1.2 ft.) Long Beach, Twin Harbors, Copalis, Mocrocks
Beaches scheduled to open are:
Long Beach, which extends from the Columbia River to Leadbetter Point. Twin Harbors Beach, which extends from the mouth of Willapa Bay north to the south jetty at the mouth of Grays Harbor. Copalis Beach, which extends from the Grays Harbor north jetty to the Copalis River, and includes the Copalis, Ocean Shores, Oyhut, Ocean City and Copalis areas. Mocrocks Beach, which extends from the Copalis River to the southern boundary of the Quinault Reservation near the Moclips River, including Iron Springs, Roosevelt Beach, Pacific Beach and Moclips.
Digs tentatively scheduled for February:
Friday, Feb. 6 (3:55 p.m., -0.1 ft.) Twin Harbors, Copalis, Mocrocks Saturday, Feb. 7 (4:50 p.m., -0.4 ft.) Long Beach, Twin Harbors, Copalis, Mocrocks Sunday, Feb. 8 (5:39 p.m., -0.6 ft.) Long Beach, Twin Harbors, Copalis, Mocrocks
Ocean Shores Antique & Collectible Show
Feb 14-15, 2009The 7th Annual Show at the Ocean Shores Convention Center. Over eighty booths offering a wide variety of antiques including dolls, glass, furniture, American Art pottery, and much, much more. Last year's event raised $4,235.90 for the Ocean Shores Food Bank and the SeaPal Quilters for their quilt guild charities. For a small donation to local charities and nonprofits, you can have your treasures evaluated. Hourly Door Prizes.
Local Doctor will merge with proposed Medical Complex
Dr. John Holm, of Coastal Family Medicine, has decided he will merge his practice with the proposed Ocean Reach Medical Complex, set to open in early 2010. Late last year, David J. Freeman, an architect from Gig Harbor of Snodgrass Freeman and Associates, announced he is working with a developer to build a $7.8 million, 42,000 square foot urgent care clinic at a 1.5 acre site at the corner of Point Brown and Magellan avenues. Currently, Holm's office is one of the only medical facilities in the North Beach area, and he is not taking any new patients. The new facility could employ up to 30 people, including three family practitioners, two physician assistants, four nurses and a few specialists. The project is set to include a health spa, a drive-through pharmacy as well as classroom space for students in the nursing and medical technician programs at Grays Harbor College. - source: the daily world.
Grass Carp are back
The State Department of Ecology has awarded $75,000 to the city to purchase grass carp to control Brazilian elodea, the invasive aquatic weed in the fresh waterways system. The city has

I hope your Holidays were great!
Jeff Daniel
Associate Broker
Coldwell Banker Ocean Beach Properties
749 Point Brown Ave NW/PMB 1568, Ocean Shores, WA 98569
1.360.581.9020 (cell) - 1.888.469.3100 (toll free) - 1.360.289.3111 (fax)