Can you say "lawsuit?" I've already heard the rumors....
The gist of the law is that if you have a fulltime or partime house here, you have to have LeMay Enterprises Inc. (which is a privately owned company in Pierce County who is behind the push to have a car museum in Tacoma) provide you with a trash can and you have to pay them for the service-whether you use it or not.
The gist of the law is that if you have a fulltime or partime house here, you have to have LeMay Enterprises Inc. (which is a privately owned company in Pierce County who is behind the push to have a car museum in Tacoma) provide you with a trash can and you have to pay them for the service-whether you use it or not.

So, there you go. Don't forget to call LeMay at 360.533.1251. Oh, and if you currently aren't using LeMay for trash service, don't worry. They will contact the City's Code Enforcement Officer each month and relay which residents or businesses in town who do not have trash collection. Not having trash collection (even if you take your trash to the dump on your own-like me) is a violation of the ordinance.
Now I wonder what the City's going to do about all the trash cans that are knocked over during the wind storms and all the trash is blowing everywhere?